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SphereQ x86 Quantum Processors, Monitors, & Peripherals

Quantum Computing For Practical Applications Using Windows, Unix, Linux, & DOS
The Primary Challenge Was Making Quantum Processors Compatible With Traditional Platforms Such As Windows And Video Game Consoles.

Licensing & Merchandising

Licensing & Merchandising
This Quantum Computing, Time, & Physics System (And All Derivatives Thereof) Is Licensed At $0.05 USD Per Physical Device (CPU) & $0.01 USD Per Non-Electronic Implementation, To SphereQ Corporation This Is Per Physical Device License (Example: A CPU). This Is To Allow Companies Such As Intel Corporation, AMD, And Vehicle Manufacturers To Make Their Products Safer And Improve Performance. Email us sales@sphereq.com to find out how you can integrate SphereQ Quantum Mathematics Into Your Devices.

Copyprotected © 2038-2053, QT / 2008, CE - 2024, CE - SphereQ Corporation - California, United States of America
This Page Generated On August 19, 02053 QT (Quantum Time) Time: 05:55:48 +00
All SphereQ Products Are Manufactured & Sourced In The United States of America
Tel: 279-799-6038 / Email: sales@sphereq.com
During The Y2K38 Superbug Most Computer Parts And Electronics Became Subject To Failure And Had To Be Upgraded To New Technological Standards.